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Be Responsible and Go Sustainable!!

Updated: Jan 22, 2023

Why choose sustainable clothing? Sustainable clothing is better for the environment and better for your closet. First, what is sustainability? Sustainability is the ability to stay or maintain a rate or level, specifically to avoid more consumption of natural resources to maintain the current ecological balance.

Essentially, in fashion, sustainability is recycling. It's taking fabric that already exists and reworking it into something new, instead of creating new fabric. Did you know that less than 1% of fashion materials are recycled into new clothing at the end of their life cycle?

There is so much fabric that goes to waste in the fashion industry. One example that links directly back to the consumer (you, the buyer) is buying a piece of clothing that you never wear. That one shirt you swore that someday you would wear but sits in the closet until you decide to throw it out. The sustainable options would be to donate it or rework it into something new! Here at All is On, we use old jeans that friends and family no longer wear to create something new. We are fighting against the current trends to make the fashion industry and the world a cleaner place.

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