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Meet the Artists!

At All is On, we have a collection of backpacks. The Original Art collection features fabric that has hand-drawn designs. We currently have artists local to the Northeast.

Meet one of our artists: Alystair Augustin

"Being an artist is unfortunately not my main gig, and as my profession is greatly time and energy consuming I often struggle to make time for my art. When I do, however, I remember that for me art is restorative, and a point through which I can process, learn, and find transformation within myself. Growing up with an artist of a mother, my whole life has been steeped in art and art making, so it only makes sense that it is so central to my life even when I can't always give it the time I would like to. Sometimes I find that that time makes itself.

I keep longstanding projects in order to maintain at least some regular practice, such as the calendar that I decorate at the beginning of each month and creating birthday and holiday presents. I also find myself creating when the mood strikes me, like drawing during slow parts of my shift and embracing the imperfection that comes with ballpoint pen and random bits of paper.

My main mediums currently are ink and marker, a tendency that grew from limited time and space. Given more time I branch into watercolors, digital art, and embroidery. I hope that as I grow I will be able to return to painting in acrylics and handbuilding with clay. Attached are some examples of my work: ink on ekg paper, a calendar, an Inktober prompt from days past, a digital piece, and a couple presents. You can also find some of my work here on this site, sewn into my mother's bags."

-Alystair J. Augustin

A portion of the proceeds will go back to our artists and help support them!

If you want to learn more about becoming a partnering artist or just want to create a design for your own bag, please email us at

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